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Ceqr technical manualCeqr technical manual.New York Environmental Legal Research Guide: Overview
Public transit, walking, and bicycling have all seen an increased emphasis in recent years, and government support for these modes has grown substantially in absolute dollars. There is growing awareness in communities that land use decisions and development patterns influence the transportation choices that are available to residents, and that such choices have health impacts.
In the past several decades, legislation such as the Clean Air Act has reduced harmful motor vehicle emissions; programs like Safe Routes to School have encouraged active transportation i. Most of these transportation policies and programs promoting public health also have the co-benefit of reducing energy use by substituting lower-energy modes for high-energy modes and promoting more efficient use of energy through improvements in fuel efficiency and congestion management.
In this review we highlight existing scientific evidence on the health effects of transportation policy and provide credible information that is useful to decision makers at the federal, state, and local level. Stakeholders including public health professionals and the general public will also find the document to be useful. The work presented here is not exhaustive of all transportation policy areas that impact public health and safety, but contributes to a growing body of resources that can inform evidence-based policy making.
Jen Petersen. These early decisions re-designating the public domain for private, motorized movement cemented a long generation of sunk infrastructural costs and lost productivity down economic roads too congested and unpleasant to travel. Even as automobility was still firmly cemented in the street systems and growth models of most US cities, how did human-scaled mobility planning become so immediately visible in the streets of New York? This dissertation illustrates the changing terms and stakes of wielding power through infrastructural transformation.
Olusina Akinpelu. Ruth Sims. Chris Spahr. Neighborhood businesses are critical community assets, providing essential services, employment and entrepreneurial opportunities, and creating a sense of place, familiarity and security. We identified flaws broken down into 5 main categories. These flaws lead to inadequately informed decision-making, which fails to correctly identify the true cost of government action or opportunities for mitigation. A revised CEQR approach alone is not the sole answer to honestly addressing business risk and the effects major development has on communities, but it is one of several critical steps to tackling this urgent need.
To reform CEQR and advance more informed decision-making, our report recommends that:. Erodes the meaning of displacement Fails to regard the neighborhood by failing to describe the neighborhood Divorces impact on businesses from impact on workers and economic policy Fails to require metrics or other substantiation for conclusions Ignores potential disparate impact by race or ethnicity. Typically, 1-hour measurement is recommended but shorter measurements may be allowed for certain train facilities such as, subways.
Existing condition vehicular traffic noise analysis has been updated to remove the assumption allowance of 3 dB A attenuation per doubling of distance to estimate existing noise levels at receptor locations if noise levels cannot be measured at the receptor locations. Leq 1 and Ldn values may be calculated as a function of a number of factors, including the distance between the track and receptor; shielding at the receptor; number of trains; average number of cars per train; train speed; track conditions; whether the track is on grade or on structure; etc.
Mobile source analysis has been updated to include the use of proprietary models if all data are made available and discussed with the reviewing agencies in advance. Although CadnaA is currently accepted, it is not specifically endorsed.
Required attenuation values to achieve acceptable interior noise levels in Table was updated to include specific categories for vehicular traffic, aircraft, and train. Regulations and Coordination section has been updated to remove New York City Zoning Resolution performance standards for manufacturing districts and special mixed-use districts.
Chapter 6 — Community Facilities. Chapter 7 — Open Space. Chapter 16 — Transportation. Chapter 17 — Air Quality. Chapter 19 — Noise. Sam Schwartz Staff March 2, Sam Schwartz Staff March 31, Sam Schwartz Staff February 28,
BQE :: What is CEQR? - What is CEQR?
This guide provides information about undertaking environmental legal research in New York at all levels and provides links and references to primary and secondary sources of law. It is impossible to provide all of the possible treatises, journals, and news sources that discuss New York Environmental Law; this guide highlights a few and should be used as a starting point in your research.
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New York Environmental Legal Research Guide: Overview A legal resource guide for information relating to New York State and New York City environmental law including primary and secondary source materials, quick links, and database resources.
The NYCRR contains state agency rules and regulations and is divided into 22 titles--one for each state department, one for miscellaneous agencies and one for the Judiciary.
New York State Agencies Lists state officials and state agencies in alphabetical order. Assistant Dean of the Law Library. Deborah L. Email Me. Report a problem. Tags: environmental law , legal research , new york , new york environmental law , new york environmental legal research , new york legal research.
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